2023 National Specialty Where Giant Legends Begin




August 26, 2023

in conjunction with Celebrate Virginia Dog Show Cluster -Northern Neck KC and Greater Fredericksburg KC

August 24-27, 2023

Update June 23, 2023

The 2023 National Specialty in Doswell, VA may still be months away (Aug 24-27) but the online store is now OPEN for business! Please visit 2023 GSCA National Store for a one-stop shop to order everything from official merchandise to boxed lunches. And you can also sign up for the annual awards banquet, the structure & movement seminar with Dr. Battaglia, and even the pizza party at the same time. There is a ton of merchandise (just some of which is shown in these photos), and the deadline for ordering it is July 15th. Other items have a deadline of August 1st but don't wait too long to order. Seating for the banquet and the seminar are limited, and when they sell out, that's it. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the National!

Update June 13, 2023


We are a little over 2 months until the National and all of the associated activities. Please be sure to make your hotel reservations and your reservations for all activities on the GSCA form. Those activities and deadline dates are below. Contact Laurie Mason if you would like to become a sponsor or make a trophy donation, the updated list should be on the website. Your support is what makes our National extra special. Luis has a great selection of merchandise for the National, so don’t forget to go shopping! Once again, all purchases can be made on the GSCA form, and you will receive one invoice for the total. Don’t forget to contact Cornelia King with your information for auction items. She has a great auction planned with auctioneer Janine Starink!

Please note entries for conformation open on or about June 28 th and can be made at infodog.com.

FastCat information - entries will open on June 15 th and can be made at Speeddogcoursing.com. GSCA is the host but open to all breeds, with Giants getting priority times. There will be two runs each of the four days (Thursday thru Sunday), starting at 7:30 am. The fastest Giant Thursday thru Saturday, will receive special recognition at the banquet. Brian Batista will be the official photographer for FastCat. For more information, go to the Speed Dog website when premium is available on June 15 th or email me at rheubi@aol.com.

Obedience and Rally entries will open on or about June 28 th and made at infodog.com See premium when available.

Greater Fredericksburg Kennel Club will be hosting ATT testing on Sunday, August 27 and registration can be made at gfkc.org.

Important Deadline Dates to remember –

Fairfield Inn & Suites will release block on July 15, 2023

Box Lunch reservations by August 15, 2023

Pizza Party reservations by August 15, 2023

Banquet reservations $60/person by August 1 st , after August 1 st $75. Final Deadline August 15 th.

Carmen Battaglia Seminar reservations by August 15 th .

Merchandise pre-order deadline July 15 th .

Parade of Title Holders entry deadline August 9 th

If you would like to volunteer in any capacity, please let me know rheubi@aol.com There are always things to be done and is a great way to meet GSCA members and make new friends.

See you at the National!

Becky Heubi

Show Chair GFKC/GSCA National Chair

Update May 16, 2023

New addition! For the first time, GSCA will offer a Breeder’s Sweepstakes. All entries must be exhibited by the Breeder of Record. This event will be held on Friday, August 25th, after BIS and will include the following classes for both Dogs and Bitches:

Puppy, 6 months & under 9 months

Puppy, 9 months & under 12 months

Junior, 12 months & under 18 months

Open, 18 months and over

The winners of each class go on to compete for Best in Breeder’s Sweepstakes and Best Opposite to Best in Breeder’s Sweepstakes. And unlike Puppy Sweepstakes, giants of any age including finished champions are eligible to compete.

Important Deadline Dates to remember –

Fairfield Inn & Suites will release block on July 15, 2023

Box Lunch reservations by August 15, 2023

Pizza Party reservations by August 15, 2023

Banquet reservations $60/person by August 1st, after August 1st $75. Final Deadline August 15th.

Carmen Battaglia Seminar reservations by August 15th.

Merchandise pre-order deadline July 15th.

Parade of Title Holders entry deadline August 9th


Wednesday August 23 – set up grooming

Thursday August 24 – FastCat 2 runs, supported entries with Northern Neck KC, Judge Jon Cole, Judges Education (time and location pending), General Meeting (School House) 2 PM. Carmen Battaglia seminar – Structure Movement and Pedigree Analysis 5-9 pm in the School House.

Friday August 25 – FastCat 2 runs, E. Regional Specialty, Judge Dana Cline, addition of breeder sweeps this year to follow BIS, Judge Leslie Shriner, Pizza Party at the Manor House 7 PM sponsored by Cornelia King.

Saturday – August 26 - FastCat 2 runs, National Specialty, Judge Robin Greenslade, OB & Rally, 6:30 pm Banquet, Awards and Auction at the Manor House.

Sunday – August 27 – FastCat 2 runs, Supported entries with Greater Fredericksburg KC – Judge Al Bianchi

Update February 16, 2023

Logo - The 2023 National is very excited to have two logos for the National. Many thanks to Eric and Kristi Riley for having a Lexington, Kentucky graphic artist create our logos. The one at the top of the page is the main logo for advertising and merchandise and a second, at the bottom of the update page for merchandise as well. As you know, the venue for our National is the home of Secretariat. This year is the 50 th anniversary of Secretariat winning the triple crown and it was felt it would be fitting to add a something from Secretariat to our logo. The blue and white colors were Secretariat’s racing colors and the silks with the Giant head seemed only fitting, as well as the three racing Giants. We hope you like the logos as much as we do. The merchandise for sale for the National should make up beautifully with these logos. Merchandise coming soon!

Change in date for cluster - Please note that the Celebrate Virginia Dog Show Cluster will be four days rather than five, Thursday August 24 thru Sunday, August 27, 2023 This will not affect the National or the Regional Specialty. All planned events will stay the same. With no show on Wednesday, we lose one day of supported entries and one day of FastCat.

Thursday, August 24, 203 – Northern Neck KC – supported entries

Friday, August 25, 2023 – Northern Neck KC – GSCA Eastern Regional Specialty

Saturday, August 26, 2023- Greater Fredericksburg KC – National Specialty

Sunday – August 27, 2023 – Greater Fredericksburg KC – supported entries

Please note that the judging panel has been submitted to AKC and once approval is received, judges for all days will be posted.

Host Hotel – Fairfield Inn & Suites - We have a block of 50 rooms @ $129.00/night + tax, one time pet fee of $50 for the week. Once the block is filled we will be unable to reserve any further rooms. Book early! See link below.

Last Day to Book: Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Hotel(s) offering your special group rate:

  • Fairfield Inn & Suites Richmond Ashland for 129 USD per night

Book your group rate for Giant Schnauzers Club of America

Please note that we have a block of 50 rooms and once they are gone, we cannot secure


Superintendent - MB-F is the super for conformation and obedience and rally. Premium to be sent out June 28, 2023, with entries closing 12 noon EDT August 9, 2023. Entry fee - $36 for conformation.

Fast Cat for all breeds will be all four days hosted by GSCA. It will be fully superintended by Speed Dog Coursing. Giants will have preferred entries as they are the host club. Special award(s) for Giants…more information to follow.

Obedience and Rally all breed on Saturday – hosted by Greater Fredericksburg KC – Obedience in the morning and rally in the afternoon. This will be in the Pavilion – air conditioned. High In Trial will be awarded at the banquet during awards.

RV parking - This will be handled by Harry Miller for the cluster. All information will be in the premium. Preferred parking will once again be offered to accommodate those who want to set up their van, tent, etc. and is reserved through Harry Miller. Reserved grooming will be in the main building. This will be with electric. Will have a block to check on the form for grooming for Giant Schnauzer so the Giants can be together. Reserved grooming and RV parking will not be offered until the premium goes out, tentatively scheduled by MB-F for Wednesday, June 28, 2023.

A larger ring will be set up for the Giants all four days with full matting. Tentatively scheduled to have set up same area as 2021. Bathing stations will be offered.

John Ashbey has been contracted as the show photographer for all five days. I have contacted a photographer to do random shots, no win pics, for the National on Saturday. She did this for me for the Regional Specialty in 2022. FastCat has their own photographer.

Box lunches from Suzanne’s will be offered Friday and Saturday to be paid through PayPal. More information to follow.


Logo – Doug Hill, Robin Greenslade, Holly Reed, Chris Reed, Becky Heubi, Eric Riley

Hospitality – Cornelia King, Holly Reed and Kim Demchak

Auction – Cornelia King

Auctioneer – Janine Starink

Merchandise – Luis & Melisa Delatorre

Trophies – Meg McGee, Kim Torney Morgan and Robin Greenslade

Donations (trophies or general) – Laurie Mason

Treasurer – Howard Postovit

Tentative Schedule of Events

Thursday – August 24 – Supported entries northern Neck KC


GSCA Board Meeting – time and place TBA

Friday – August 25- Regional Specialty – Northern Neck KC

Fast Cat

5 PM – General Meeting – Manor House Patio area

7 PM – Pizza Party – Manor House Patio area and room off patio

Saturday – August 26 – GSCA National – Greater Fredericksburg KC


Obedience and Rally – hosted by Greater Fredericksburg KC – Pavilion

will be (air conditioned)

Judges Education – Time TBA - Pavilion

Banquet and Auction – 6 PM - Manor House main room (same as 2021)

Sunday – August 27- Supported entries Greater Fredericksburg KC

PayPal is being set up to pay for banquet reservations, box lunches, and merchandise. More information to follow.

Please follow the GSCA National 2023 site on FB for updates

If you would like to volunteer to help with the National, please contact Becky Heubi at rheubi@aol.com or any member of the above committees.

Looking forward to the National, it will be here before you know it!

Becky Heubi


Your generous donations have successfully supported GSCA Specialties over our 60+ years allowing the club to host multiple Regionals and Nationals as well as continue and expand a robust awards and educational program. The 2023 National and Eastern Regional in August is less than three months away and setting up to be another exciting event!

There are several ways to support your 2023 National:

  • 1. Sponsor a trophy at the National or Eastern Regional Specialties or the National Obedience/Rally Trial

  • 2. Make a cash donation to one of the Sponsorship Levels

  • 3. Sponsor a specific hospitality event, education event or hospitality bags- let us know what you’re thinking

  • 4. Many volunteer opportunities (Contact Becky Heubi)


Please consider sponsoring a trophy for the National or Eastern Regional. Your sponsorship will be acknowledged in the Show Catalog and entitle you to include a dedication (25 words max). Must be received by the August 1 deadline If interested:

  • 1. Contact Laurie Mason via e-mail for information on availability at mikey@rkymtnhi.com

  • 2. Your choice will be confirmed and trophy reserved

  • 3. Invoice will be sent to your e-mail with payment information (payment due within 10 days to hold trophy)

  • 4. E-mail your dedication information to Laurie

Please note that trophy sponsorship dollars will be used to fund trophies, rosettes and other show expenses


General donations will be used towards show and hospitality expenses. Any amount is greatly appreciated! If you wish to sponsor a specific hospitality event, education event or hospitality bags please contact me.






Recognized as donor in the Catalog



Bronze Level plus dedication in catalog & T-Shirt



Silver level plus ¼ page in Catalog



T-shirt plus half page in catalog plus 2 banquet tickets

1. Contact Laurie Mason via e-mail with your pledge amount at mikey@rkymtnhi.com

2. invoice will be sent to your e-mail with payment information

3. E-mail t-shirt size, banquet attendees and dedication (25-word max) information to Laurie

The GSCA Board and 2023 National Show Committee thanks you for your continued generosity and support!