Prevalence Of Positive TgAA in 105 Laboratory Samples From Giant
By RF Nachreiner, M Bowman, KR Refsal PA Graham, A Provencher
Bolliger Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory, College of Veterinary
Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Reprinted from Giant Steps © July-Aug. 2000
Hypothyroidism is the most common endocrine disease to dogs. The
thyroid gland controls the speed of metabolism of almost all body
cells. When thyroid hormones are subnormal, many different body
systems can be affected; so the clinical appearance of the disease
can vary. The most common clinical signs include: weight gain,
sluggishness, skin and hair coat problems (including hair loss),
weakness, cold intolerance, and infertility. Although hypothyroidism
is not life threatening, the quality of life is subnormal.
Veterinary testing procedures have improved over the past 25 years,
and hypothyroidism and its therapy are well understood by most
practitioners. Breeders, however, are faced with a dilemma. The
disease seldom demonstrates clinical signs before 3 to 5 years of
age, well into the showing and breeding years for many dogs. An
economical and early detection procedure is needed. Progress is
being made toward this objective.
The 1997 AKC Parent Club Survey found that breeders are quite
concerned about this disease. In fact, it was ranked first, with hip
dysplasia and epilepsy close behind. As a result of breeder and
veterinary interest, a number of progressive changes have occurred
in the past few years. AKC and other groups sponsored an
International Symposium on Canine Hypothyroidism. Participants
agreed that breeders should test their dogs for thyroid disease and
this test profile should include Total Thyroxine (T4), Thyroid
Stimulating Hormone (TSH), Free T4 by Dialysis, and Thyroglobulin
Autoantibody (TgAA). The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA)
started a Canine Thyroid Registry and has certified a number of
regional veterinary laboratories in the US and Canada qualified to
perform the thyroid profile for registry purposes. Oxford
Laboratories began producing a commercially available assay for TgAA
so all reagents for the OFA profile is standard among certified
About half of canine hypothyroidism has been reported to be
associated with autoimmune thyroiditis (positive TgAA). The majority
of the remaining hypothyroidism is idiopathic (without apparent
cause and TgAA negative), while a small fraction is from a pituitary
disorder. Recent data from Michigan State University have shown that
idiopathic hypothyroidism can be the end stage of autoimmune thyroid
disease. Hence, the majority of canine hypothyroidism is the result
of autoimmune thyroiditis. This makes testing for the disease marker
in breeding dogs important for reducing its incidence. The best
current marker for this disease is a positive TgAA test result. This
is present when there is active thyroid disease (inflammation).
Assuming a single gene disorder and recessive trait, TgAA will be
positive only in dogs having both genes for thyroiditis. TgAA will
not be positive in the carriers (having only one gene for the trait)
and may not be positive early in the life of some dogs that become
affected later.
A number of scientific publications have presented data to support
the genetic transmission of autoimmune thyroiditis. Others have
reported the familial (occurring among relatives) incidence of the
disease. In addition to screening breeding animals, the TgAA assay
has been useful for disease diagnosis. In June 1998, the Michigan
State University Animal Health Diagnostic laboratory began running
the TgAA assay as part of routine thyroid function testing, making
it possible to detect autoimmune thyroid disease long before
complete thyroid atrophy and clinical hypothyroidism (when clinical
signs are present) occurred. Of course, most of the samples were
from dogs with at least one clinical sign suggestive of
A study done on the first 51,201 laboratory samples that were tested
for thyroid disease using the new TgAA test indicated that 7.9% of
samples were positive and 4.0% were inconclusive. There were 4045
dogs positive for TgAA and 2809 classified as having idiopathic
hypothyroidism. Dogs less than 2 years of age had few (less than
5%a) TgAA positive samples; samples from dogs 2 to 6 years of age
were positive 9 to 11.5% of the time, while samples from dogs older
than 6 were positive less often. It appears that autoimmune thyroid
disease occurs earlier in life than idiopathic hypothyroidism,
supporting the concept that the idiopathic form may result from the
autoimmume disease. Semiannual thyroid biopsy results from a small
group of affected dogs at MSU also support the conclusion that
idiopathic hypothyroidism is the end stage of autoimmune thyroid
Another way of looking at these data is that over 50% of TgAA
positive samples were from dogs less than or equal to 5 years of
age, while it took 8 years to obtain more than 50% of the samples
from dogs with idiopathic hyporhyroidism. Since idiopathic
hypothyroidism appears to be the end stage of autoimmune thyroiditis,
the majority of primary hypothyroidism in dogs is most likely a
result of the autoimmune disease. An important fact for breeders
is that TgAA test can detect this disease years before clinical
signs of hypothyroidism occur. After 6 years, the TgAA test
becomes less relevant as dogs that were positive can become negative
when the thyroid is destroyed, and there is no longer a stimulus for
TgAA production. After that time, T4 and TSH become more important
indicators of thyroid disease.
As one would expect from a genetically transmitted disease, 16
breeds had significantly higher laboratory prevalence of TgAA
compared to the total number of dogs (over‑represented) and 27
breeds had a significantly lower prevalence (under‑represented)(Table
1). Some additional breeds also had high or low percent positive,
but the number of samples from those breeds may have been too small
to achieve statistical significance. As additional samples are
analyzed, presumably these additional breeds will become
statistically significant as well.
As groups, Herding and Sporting dogs were significantly
over‑represented for TgAA positive samples while Hounds,
Non‑Sporting dogs, Terriers, and Toy breeds were under-represented.
Within those groups, some breeds were significantly over‑represented
while others may be under‑represented. The Working Group (Table 2)
has 3 breeds with over 500 samples, 2 were similar to the average
for the Working Group (Doberman Pinscher and Rottweiler) and 1 is
over‑represented (Boxer). Though Boxers, along with Huskies, and
Akitas were over‑represented, others were significantly
underrepresented (Newfoundland Portuguese Water Dog and Schnauzer).
Hence, the Working Group as a whole had an average prevalence that
was similar to the all breed average. This is not to say that since
the group is average, one should not be concerned about autoimmume
thyroid disease. Since there is a genetic component to the disease,
some breeds have a higher prevalence while others have less. One
should strive to reduce the disease in the higher prevalence breeds
and keep it low in the lower prevalence breeds. The Giant Schnauzer
had 12.4% of the samples positive for autoimmune thyroid disease.
This is higher than the all breed average, but was not statistically
significant. As sample numbers increase, statistical significance
may be achieved.
Breeders should strive to reduce the prevalence of autoimmune
thyroiditis within the breed. Testing breeding animals for TgAA
during their early reproductive years and breeding appropriately
will help accomplish that objective. The assay can be performed on
serum samples at most of the larger veterinary laboratories or on
blood spots at Oxford Laboratories.
In conclusion, while there is no DNA based testing procedure at this
time, testing with the best available marker, TgAA, can be
beneficial. Selective breeding should reduce the prevalence in high
incidence breeds and prevent an increasing prevalence in low
incidence breeds. Although males were similar to females in
prevalence, you can imagine the impact one important but affected
male could have on the breed, especially a breed with small numbers.
The TgAA portion of the thyroid profile is most important during the
first 5 years of life as few dogs are found to have idiopathic
hypothyroidism before this age. Since idiopathic hypothyroidism
appears to be the end stage of autoimmune thyroiditis, the majority
of hypothyroidism in dogs is a result of this inherited autoimmune
disease. An increased focus on testing for autoimmune thyroiditis
and selective breeding should help decrease the prevalence of canine
hypothyroidism. In addition, knowing which are affected dogs within
a pedigree will help to identify which dogs have a high probability
of being carriers (i.e. one affected gene if a single gene trait).
1. Lynch, D and Capkovic, D. 1997 Parent Club
Survey. AKC, Canine Health Conference, St. Louis, MO, 1997.
2. Canine Practice 22:16‑17, 1997.
3. Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, 2300 E. Nifong Blvd,
Columbia, MO 65201‑3856.
4. Oxford Laboratories, PO Box 558, Oxford, MI 48371.
5. Gosselin SJ, Caper CC, and Krakowka S. Autoimmune lymphocytic
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6. Graham PA, Nachreiner RE Refsal KR, Hauptman J, and War,,, GL.
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8. Conaway DH, Padgett GA, Burton TE, et al. Clinical and
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9. Musser E and Graham WR. Familial occurrence of thyroiditis in
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10. Milo, KL, and Hayes, H. Epidemiologic features of canine
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11. Haines DM, Lording PM, and Penhale WJ. Survey of thyroglobulin
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12. Biala KM, Halliwell REW and Chen CL. Prevalence of
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